What is the role of ancient Egyptian spiritual practices on modern magick?
There is no denying the influence of ancient Egypt on modern day tarot. After all, tarot is a system of divination that draws heavily on Egyptian symbology and mythology. But what about the other aspects of Egyptian magick? What about the spells, rituals, and practices that were once used to harness the power of the gods?
Interestingly, many of these ancient techniques have been adopted by modern day practitioners of magick. From using amulets and talismans for protection, to performing rituals for abundance and fertility, there is much we can learn from the Egyptians when it comes to magickal practice.
And then there is the topic of the afterlife. The Egyptians had a rich tradition of beliefs surrounding death and the afterlife, and many of these concepts have found their way into modern day understanding of the spirit world. From the idea of the soul travelling through the Duat to the concept of reincarnation, there is much that we can learn from ancient Egyptian beliefs about what happens after we die.
So, if you are interested in tarot or magick, or even just in philosophy and spirituality, then studying ancient Egyptian beliefs and practices is definitely worth your time.
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